London Dowsers Dates For 2019

Subscriptions for 2019 are £16.00 single, £30.00 couples & visitors £6.00 per visit.
We meet alternate months

NEW Dates for London and Thameside Dowsers (2019)

Mile End(Saturdays)
Coborn Arms,
Coborn Road, Mile End
London E3 2DA
(11 am for 11.15 start)
Richmond (Sundays)
One Kew Road (Pub)
Richmond, TW9 1ND.
(across the road from the train station)
(10.30 for 10.45 start)

Saturday Jan 26th

Remote viewing and visualisation


Sunday February 24th

Jane Court :.Psychic Protection - Do you know who you are travelling with on the psychic highway?
Saturday March 30th
The dangers of Wi-Fi and electro interference with Guy Hudson


Sunday April. 28th

Sue Skinner on ‘Egyptian pendulums and how to use them.’

Saturday May 18th
Welcome to Dr.John Leach ‘Expedition Dowsing’


Sunday June 23rd

Kelly Peacecy: Crystals and Electro-Smog

Saturday July 27th
Some practical work on pentagons and how you and the planets use the same safety system



No meeting

Saturday 28th Sept
‘Dowsing and Bees & the Birds’ Two for One talk


Sunday October 27th

Jitka Gilova : Feng Shui
Saturday. November 23rd
Welcome to Nikki Owen ‘A Positive Mindset and Dowsing’. X Mas Raffle


Sunday December 1st
Meet, Greet, and Eat.

To join, send cheque for £16.00 made out to London and Thameside dowsers, to Mrs. J.Rose.15,Summerfield Ave. London NW6. 6JT.

** Summer Meet-ups = informal gatherings to visit sites in central London,
(Ideas please to ..... Is there a site you would like to explore ?) **

  • To Be Announced ( TBA )